We sent Elder Barlocker a Mystery Package (Strange things we found @ $ Store!)...
I did get the package! haha It was a good one... I don't know if I wanna do the test though, I might be positive... haha But I like it! :)
Well this week I had a really good experience when I was sharing a dinner message with one of my favorite families... :) I recently found a new favorite scripture one of our investigators really liked... :) 2 Nephi 33:6 It stuck out to me but I really didn't understand why... But after reading through second Nephi and pondering things, it has a really deep meaning to me... The scripture is a perfect definition of the Atonement: it's plain, it's true, and it is because of Jesus Christ we are saved! But the power that came from my mortal mouth somehow touched the family, and I have never had a message really touch someone like that... I gave the message, but the Holy Ghost taught... Taught both ends of the message... :)
I don't know why I use to hate cleaning out the cars... I love doing it now! haha And trust me, it is a lot more work to clean a missionary car ... haha I'm kinda looking forward to cleaning the cars again... haha
Well this week I had a really good experience when I was sharing a dinner message with one of my favorite families... :) I recently found a new favorite scripture one of our investigators really liked... :) 2 Nephi 33:6 It stuck out to me but I really didn't understand why... But after reading through second Nephi and pondering things, it has a really deep meaning to me... The scripture is a perfect definition of the Atonement: it's plain, it's true, and it is because of Jesus Christ we are saved! But the power that came from my mortal mouth somehow touched the family, and I have never had a message really touch someone like that... I gave the message, but the Holy Ghost taught... Taught both ends of the message... :)
So something else cool I have finally started to realize, I'm not so shy anymore... I still have my moments, but I finally see that I have changed in that aspect! :) Like now I can just strike up a conversation with almost anyone! haha And I like it! haha But I do have to have a reason to talk to them, I don't just go talking to anyone for no odd reason, that's just stupid in my book... haha But I have always wanted to see this moment... From the beginning of my mission, I always wanted to see myself change... And now I can see it in more ways then I ever imagined... :)
The Church is true! Christ is our loving Brother! God is there and He cares! I am more sure of that now then I ever have been... :)
This transfer is tough, but it'll just help me learn and grow... And hopefully the next two will be better - I hope... haha But that's crazy I only have two more transfers left after this one... :\ And today I only have 99 days left... Crap...
Well I love you all! Remember who you are ...! ;)
Elder Barlocker II
1. Guess who that is... haha
2. A scripture cover I hand stitched... :)
3. Bet you can't do that! haha